You might see sellers on Etsy suggesting, “buy this item on my independent website instead,” and they may offer a discount to buy directly from them rather than through Etsy. Often, this is okay and can even be better for the seller’s business.
However, if the discount looks too good to be true, be careful. The Better Business Bureau (BBB) has warned that shopping outside well-known sites like Etsy can be risky. Scammers might post fake items, give unbelievable discounts, and lead you to scam websites.
Websites like Etsy offer fraud protection, but scam sites do not. Scam sites might not even have real products, and the scammers will take your payment information.
If you want to support independent sellers, make sure to do some research first. Look for reviews of their website, check with the Better Business Bureau for any fraud reports, and search the internet by adding the word “scam” after the website’s name.
Also, check for a “lock” icon on the left side of the URL bar to see if the website is secure. Or, you could stick with well-known third-party sellers that have buyer protection. Be cautious if the discounts on an independent website are very high, like 50% or more, as this could be a warning sign of a scam.
Finally, think about shopping only with your favorite credit card. If you accidentally fall for a scam, it’s easier to get your money back with a credit card. Just call your credit card company and tell them what happened. Using a debit card or a payment app can make it harder to get back money you lose to scams and fraud.
Also, if you find a website that turns out to be a scam, help others by reporting it to the Better Business Bureau (BBB).